Friday, September 28, 2018


A hypothetical form of matter is believed to exist in the external space that accounts for more than three-fourth of the total matter and approximately quarter of the energy present in universe and yet it remains elusive. In 1933,swiss astrophysicist Fritz Zwicky obtained evidence of unseen mass and he named it dunkle materiel(THE DARK MATTER).

Majority of the dark matter present is considered non-baryonic i.e. comprised of particles like electrons and neutrinos (leptons). It is named so because of the fact that it neither absorbs nor emits any kind of energy or light. Only a small part of universe consists visible matter is also a well known fact though. An intriguing alternative view is that dark matter is made of black hole formed during the first second of the universe. And now one of the scientists at NASA says that this some how is interrelated with the context of cosmic infrared and X-rays context.

However, these are all theories and we have no serious evidences to prove any of these put forward hypothesis. The nature of dark matter is also one of the prominent question unsolved. Scientist so far believe the models that explain the dark matter as an exotic massive particle but they have all failed to turn up evidence.

A considered myth or fact whatever be said is that black hole comprises dark matter and that this dark matter and black hole were once visible matter and by passing time their energy density increased so much that they got engulfed in themselves.

There is a lot more this universe holds up and the need is to sophisticate ourselves in order to know the darkest secrets of the universe and in the particular context, yet unknown.

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