Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Dark energy

This vast universe has many unsolved and unknown dark secrets. We try to find answers to the questions that become more of an exasperation cause for us and thus we again come to a stoppage where next question awaits with or without the previous answers. Till date, we believed in what really could be seen, however, reality opposed this fact of existence and non-existence. And such facts are coming out of blue which alter our perceptions.

Upto the minute facts reveal that about 70-71% of the whole universe is made of dark energy or is dark energy (still to be figured out), nearly 25-26% of dark matter. Only 4% of the universe was known to us before these theories were unveiled.
Till 1990, we knew about expansion of universe and two main hypotheses prevalent were that the energy density of the universe is either too high to initially expand it to the farthest and ultimately contract into a big 'O'(zero) or too low due to which it will remain expanding and that too at an accelerating rate. In 1998, hubble space telescope captured images of a supernova which suggested that expansion rate of universe is far more today than in the past.

Thus the fact was revealed that something is that seems nothing causing universe's expansion but no one was able to explain, what it is. For the record, hypothesis of 'DARK ENERGY' was put forward that is present nowhere i.e. there, where there is nothing. We can neither test it nor calculate it but we can only feel its influence.

The place where this form of energy is present start creating or developing into some or the other thing. Einstein was the first one to observe and say "Where there is nothing, there is something", and in his theory of gravity he gave a cosmological constant but was unable to explain about why it was required due to which his theory was rejected. Although, some scientists tried to understand cosmological constant and l the amount of power, dark energy can provide to an empty space but unfortunately attempts failed. Finally it was concluded that Einstein's theory of gravity was wrong and that we need a new theory that could explain behaviour of smallest of the smallest and biggest of the biggest particle of the universe.

After every dawn sunrises and hope never relies

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