Thursday, September 27, 2018


Robotics is one of the most important thing that strikes to most of the minds of the world when we talk about Artificial intelligence. A little bit of understanding the contex of artificial intelligence is it focuses on replicating human intelligence whereas Robotics deals with the technological development of machines(robots) i.e. the exact replica of humans not just the brain part. Robotics actually is the ultimate outcome of bioengineering, mechanical engineering, computer science, artificial intelligence electronic engineering etc.
The particular field includes design, construction, operation and the use of robots and computer systems as well as both have similarities and interference between each other.
However, the concept does not exactly follows by the phenomenon of creating artificial humans since the shape and design does has the dependence on what the need is. For instance, a none sophisticated example of robot could be a computer. It should not be misconcepted by just moving robots which are programmed to perform a series of complex functions.


Robotics is a necessity for information technology in today's scenario as the world becomes technocratic. A specialization in robotics engineering may lead to potential career opportunities Ina variety of other areas like manufacturing, research, agriculture, mining and so forth.
Benefactors of opting this field are umpteen and following are some of them listed out:

*Computer aided manufacturing
*Computational geometry
*Robot motion planning
*Robot manipulators

In my personal opinion if you are indian one of the best ways is to take part in GGI competitions if you are really serious about this. The advantage of this competition is that it is held every year so no worries. Even if we talk about global level, this field is progressing and will remain so in the future too.


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