Friday, October 19, 2018
Is your stomach smarter than your brain?
What is the biggest decision you ever had to make?
What influenced your choice?
Do you consider the facts, analyze the data, weigh pros and con's?
Or did you just know.
The brain, every time we think, feel, or perform a multitude of unconscious processes one hundred billion neurons in the skull conduct electrical signals to communicate and carry messages between them selves creating everything we do. The most complex organ of our body acting as the centre of the nervous system in all vertebrates but what if how we feel and think is not just because of our brain and central nervous system but infact a second brain that we did not know about.
Gut decisions might often be seen reckless and impulsive but did you know you have more neurons in your gut than you do in your brain. Our gut manipulates most of our gut decisions and is also called ENTRIC NERVOUS SYSTEM. Although, both of them our not congruent but are in one or other sense brain. Esophagus, small intestine, colon etc form the gut brain.
Current studies are pointing towards a gut with healthy biomes as a strong predictor of emotional and mental health. Even our brain relies on gut for many essential body functions("It can even think by itself"). Hormones and emotions are controlled by our gut brain. Hormones such as dopamin and seretonin are found in gut in a considerable amount that regulate happiness levels in body (Dopamin 50% and Seretonin 95% in gut). Plethora of feelings strike us for instance, if something is wrong or right, we feel it in our gut.
Their have been so many experiments and studies conducted in order to explore more about this context.
Study 1 :
Mice raised in sterile environment where no bacteria could colonize their gut exhibit social traits similar to those seen in humans on the Autism spectrum. When researchers studied their brain, they also found significant changes in levels of Seretonin and specific protiens related to learning and memory formation but after feeding mice with specific probiotics to help cultivate healthy microbiomes, these symtoms were elliviated. Their gut controlled their behaviour
Study 2 :
A 30 day study comparing people who ate probiotic yogurt found a decrease in the level of anxiety and depression compared to people who consumed milk with no bacteria.
Researchers believe that the function of microbiomes is partly to promote pro social behavior. Healthy gut bacteria can lead to a high resilience of negative emotions from others which makes you more forgiving and better at faster and stronger social connections ultimately increasing you shot at reproduction.
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